Scrabble Tiles Ornaments

I saw this idea in a magazine a few years ago and have been on the lookout for a used Scrabble set ever since. If you're a Scrabble/word game nerd like me, they'll be a nice addition to your collection of ornaments.
This is a quick and easy little project. Plus, they make great gift ornaments because you can personalize them!
First, you will need to find a sacrificial Scrabble game. You can either track one down at a thrift store or yard sale, or use that old set you've got tucked away up in the closet. I guess you could buy a new set to use, but that seems a bit wasteful. The set I eventually found was an old one my mom had, and it was missing a bunch of tiles and one of the trays.

Step 1: Arrange Your Words

Organize some words you like, making sure they will fit evenly on the trays. I decided to go with shorter words because they looked better as an ornament. Also, you don't have to just use holiday words. If these are to be a gift, you can put a person's name, or a family name, or whatever. I'm still on the lookout for another set so I can do each of my kids' names, too.

Step 2: Mark Where to Make Cuts

Mark where you want to make the cuts. I think it looks better if you leave a little space on both ends.

Step 3: Make the Cuts

Cut the trays with some kind of saw. I used my husband's power miter saw. Watch your fingers! You should hold the piece in place with another stick or something, so you don't have to have your fingers anywhere near the blade.

Step 4: Sand

Sand off any rough edges. This is pretty easy, isn't it?

Step 5: Paint

This step is completely optional. If you want to leave it all natural, glue the tiles in place first, and then spray over the entire thing with a clear coat if you want.
If you spray paint the trays, be sure not to go too heavy. You don't want it to run. A couple of light coats looks fine.

Step 6: Glue on Tiles

Use hot glue to stick the tiles in place.

Step 7: That's It!

Use a sixteenth-inch bit to pre-drill a couple of holes on the top of the trays. Screw in a couple of tiny screw-eyes, thread on some ribbon, and you're done!


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