Making of Rubber Stamps in an easy way

How to make a high quality stamp out of your favorite logo or symbol.
You will need the following materials:
  • Speedball 6-Inch by 12-Inch Speedy-Carve Block
  • Speedball Linoleum Cutter Assortment 1 which contains a straight bits & gouging bits
  • 5 Minute Two-Part Epoxy
  • Scrap wood for handle
  • Polyurethane spray
  • and finally an ink pad!

Step 1: Select a favorite symbol or logo to use as a stamp

Picture of Select a favorite symbol or logo to use as a stamp
Start by selecting a few black and white logos, symbols or other emblems that you would be interested in having a stamp of. It could even be some text.

Just try to avoid an image with very thin lines as these can be difficult to carve, and can bend/collapse under the pressure of stamping down.

Using an image editing program or even MS Word, create a black background and arrange them to appear side by side. Having the black background helps a lot when transferring images to rubber sheet.

*Note* There is no need to mirror/reverse anything as they will stamp exactly as you lay them out here.


  1. Thanq 4r ur information
    May be it's useful for me in future....
    I excepct you to come more new idea....

  2. good job bro... keep going...! (y)

  3. I do believe your ideas do materialize n mould you to be a blogger unique.


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