Make Your Own Whitening Toothpaste

Hi Friends.I know you must be could something black whiten teeth! Turns out four out of the five ingredients in this toothpaste recipe have whitening properties!
I'm not a dentist (or a doctor) but have done much research on traditional toothpaste ingredients and somehow they don't add up for me. I prefer to use store-bought natural toothpaste or make my own. I don't believe ingredients like fluoride, artificial sweeteners, triclosan, sodium lauryl sulfate, artificial dyes/colors belong in our mouths. All of these ingredients have been linked to health risks. Did you know that your gums happen to be one of the most absorbent parts of your body? Imagine absorbing those toxic substances twice or thrice a day. Eek!
If you are interested in mixing up your own toothpaste, follow along! :)

Step 1: Toothpaste Ingredients

Before I dive into the recipe I wanted to briefly explain the ingredients used in this toothpaste along with their benefits.
Bentonite Clay - In its form here, bentonite clay is a powder that can polish and whiten teeth. It has antibacterial properties and minerals, including calcium, magnesium, iron, and potassium. It has been used for centuries to pull toxins out of the body. You may hear some people refer to re-mineralizing toothpaste. Bentonite clay is the ingredient that helps with this.
Activated Charcoal - Activated charcoal is what makes this toothpaste black in color. If your teeth have been stained by coffee, wine, or tea, making toothpaste with activated charcoal can help to remove the stains. Activated charcoal is abrasive, so (like with any whitening toothpaste — store-bought or homemade) it shouldn't be used long term as it could start to wear down tooth enamel. A good rule of thumb is to cycle from one batch of homemade to one tube of store-bought...preferably natural!
Baking Soda - It probably isn't a shock to hear that baking soda is in this recipe since there are so many name brand toothpastes that include baking soda as an ingredient. It is a mild abrasive that helps 'scrub' the teeth and can help whiten them. Some people even brush with baking soda and water alone but it's not the tastiest thing!
Coconut Oil - Coconut oil has antibacterial properties that help keep your mouth clean. Many people use it for oil pulling to promote clean white teeth.
Peppermint Essential Oil - Peppermint oil adds the minty freshness that gives homemade toothpaste its delightful flavor. This should not be confused with peppermint extract. They are two completely different things!

Step 2: Recipe

This recipe is super simple and takes about 3 minutes to measure and mix up!
Whitening Homemade Toothpaste
2 tablespoons - baking soda
3 tablespoons - bentonite clay
2 teaspoons - activated charcoal
4-6 tablespoons - softened coconut oil
20-30 drops - pure peppermint essential oil
In a medium bowl, mix all dry ingredients together until well incorporated.
Add in 4 tablespoons of softened coconut oil and mix well. If the mixture looks lumpy or chunky, keep mixing. Add more coconut oil to desired consistency.
Once the toothpaste is very well mixed it should be a slightly thicker consistency than name-brand toothpaste.

Step 3: Storage and Usage

Store your toothpaste in a small glass container. I used a small mason jar with a plastic lid.
When you are ready to brush your teeth, scoop a small amount of toothpaste out of the jar using your toothbrush and brush as normal...but with care. I say 'care' because it is black! Don't drool the toothpaste down your face and onto your white shirt or you'll be upset, I promise!
Activated charcoal can stain some surfaces so it's advisable to test a small spot in your sink before brushing. I have three sinks in my house that do not stain when this toothpaste is spit out, and two of them are solid white but I just wanted to make you aware to use caution.
Enjoy, and please share your success, opinions, and/or a picture of your pearly whites!


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