Last step in Woven Paracord Bracelet/Watchband

Step 7: Finishing up

Picture of Finishing up
To finish up, you'll take the working strand around one of the outer cord, so it's coming thru the under side of the bracelet/watchband.

*Check for a good fit on your wrist at this point. If it's too loose or too tight, untie, adjust your starting measurement longer or shorter to correct, and try again.
Take your hemostats and work them thru about three of the center weaves, towards the buckle end. Grasp the working strand and pull it back thru the center weaves.

Trim the end with your scissors, quick melt the end to prevent the cord from fraying, and tuck it under the weave.

Now do the same with the shorter end of cord and you're done.

If you measure again, you'll see that the finished length is about 1 inch longer than the starting measurement. This will vary depending on your tightening of the weave as you go, but should make for a loose/comfortable fit.


*Anyone that's worn a nylon/paracord bracelet/watchband knows it can get dirty and smell funky after a while of use. One can use an old soft bristle toothbrush to scrub with soap/water in the sink to clean it(while it's on the watch(hopefully yours is water resistant/waterproof), and let it air dry overnight.

*A note on paracord shrinkage: mentions that paracord may shrink as much as 10%-12%(especially black and kelly green), so they recommend soaking the cord first. They note that it's the inner strands that shrink, not the outer sheath. I believe they use 450 or 650 grade paracord, which I think, has a few loose fibrous polyester filler cords instead of the usual 7 twisted nylon strands, found in 'Type III 550 mil-spec paracord which isn't supposed to shrink up. I've mostly used the mil-spec type paracord, so if it's shrunk on me, it's not noticeable.


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