Step 9: Leather Key Fob
You'll need a template for the key fob.
Place the template on the leather and trace the sides. Fold the leather into half and cut it according to the template.
Take a key ring big enough to attach the leather fob with it. Insert the cutout leather piece into the ring with its wrong side facing up and bring it to the middle. Apply glue on any one side of the wrong side evenly. Bring the other side and join it with the glued part. Press the folded part to make sure that it is glued nicely.
We will stitch around the border of it. Use a pencil to mark the stitching line.Place the fob on a wooden board. Use an awl and hammer to punch the holes. Punching holes makes it easier to stitch.
Prepare needle and thread. Start stitching from any one side. I did flat blanket stitches.Stitch all the way to the other side. Tie knot and cut off extra thread.
Cute and simple! You can make more fun fun patterns. Enjoy!
Dear Manikantha, most of our leisure time is wasted, if one happens to read this, I'm sure they win friends with little gifts. Keep on pondering..